Sunday, 23 January 2011

Those were the blogs my friends, we thought they'd never end... la la la la la la la la laaa...


Well my blogging time is nearly over. In just 48 hours I will no longer be required to post my rants, share my views and enthuse about my passions. I will miss you, Blog.

I have found this a very useful exercise in heritagegyness ... I have thought about things, I have learnt how to design and build a blog and I have enjoyed seeing what other people find fascinating about the heritage around them.

I just hope I have not bored anybody too much.

My presentation is on Tuesday for my Heritage and Entertainment module. This (and you, dear Blog) are my final two pieces of work to complete. The presentation must be presented and you must be read by my long-suffering lecturer (sorry for all the posts Tim, but you unleashed a monster!)

And so I now share my presentation with you, Blog and readers (if anyone does read this). I was asked to create a website based upon a heritag site either in existance or of my own making. I chose to do the latter and now I am in the midst of coming up with ways of conning the HLF out of a lot of money to build my museum; I am slightly in love with the whole idea!

Basically, I love Bath (haven't always but that's another story). I am a proud Bathonian (adopted by this fair city at the age of 18 months) and I have always enjoyed spotting the famous faces in my town (did you know Keith Richards lives round here? My mum nearly ran him over when he was leaving Clinton Cards a couple of years ago. Every Friday I am in town I seem him wonder down Milsom St and he hides out in this cafe along by Pultney Bridge - I am not stalking him, I only know because I was in the cafe with a friend at the time!) Anyway, I think the citizens of Bath, both famous and non, are very important and so my museum subject was chosen; it changed from being somehow focused upon books (I am a read-o-holic) and became ...



Oh yes! Dramatic wasn't it?!

I am very proud of my museum and of the website design. I don't know if I have done it right and I don't care anymore. It took me ten and half hours to complete my designs and my childish drawings will not rate me highly but it was work that I am pleased with. I greatly enjoyed myself and have now added another badge to my sash; Builder of Websites.

Anyone reading this and creating such a museum should know that I will find out, it is my idea, so shoo!

Anyways... this is probably going to be my final blog, dear Blog. Maybe... Well there are two more days to go...

Toodles and Adieu.

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